
Rupa manjari
In the northern part of Sri Lalita Sakhi’s kunja lies Rupollasa Kunja, where the very beautiful and graceful Sri Rupa Manjari resides. She is the foremost among the gopis known as priya-narma-sakhis. Her complexion is the color of gorocana (a bright yellow pigment secreted from a cow’s kidney), and she delights in wearing a dress the color of peacock feathers. Her age is 13 years 6 months. The panditas call her Rangana-malika. In age, she is one day younger than Lavanga Manjari. In gaura-lila she appears as Srila Rupa Gosvami.
Rati manjari
In the southern part of Sri Indulekha’s kuñja lies Ratyambuja Kuñja, where the beautiful Sri Rati Manjari always resides. Her dress is covered with stars, her complexion is like lightning, and she is daksina-mrdvi in nature. The panditas also call her Tulasi. Her age is 13 years 2 months. In Kali-yuga, in gaura-lila, she is known as Raghunatha dasa Gosvami.
Lavanga manjari
In the eastern part of Sri Tungavidya’s kunja lies Lavanga-sukhada Kunja, which is very enchanting to all the beautiful-eyed gopis. In that kunja, Sri Lavanga Manjari always blissfully resides. In age, she is one day older than Sri Rupa Manjari, and she is very famous for her pleasant nature. Her complexion is like lightning, and she wears a dress marked with stars. She gives much happiness to Sri Krsna, and her nature is always daksina-mrdvi. Her age is 13 years 6 months and 1 day. In Kali-yuga, in gaura-lila, she is known as Sri Sanatana Gosvami.
Rasa manjari
In the western part of Sri Citra's kunja lies Rasananda Kunja, where the beautiful Rasa Manjari always resides. She is famous as being in all respects the life of Sri Rupa Manjari. Her dress is like the feathers of a swan, and her complexion is like a fully blossomed campaka flower. She is rich in qualities much like those of Sri Lavanga Manjari. Because she has taken shelter of Sri Rupa Manjari, she has become very dear to her. She serves as a messenger between Radha and Krsna, and she is very clever in arranging Their meeting. Her age is 13 years, and in gaura-lila, she is known as Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami.
Guna manjari
In the northeastern part of Sri Campakalata’s kunja lies the beautiful Gunanandaprada Kunja, where Sri Guna Manjari always resides. Her complexion is bright like lightning, and she wears a fine silk dress the color of a red jaba flower. She is famous for her strong desire to make Rupa Manjari happy. She is three days younger than Sri Tulasi (Rati Manjari) and is the delight of Sri Krsna. She is described as being daksina-prakhara in nature. Her age is 13 years, 1 month and 27 days. In gaura-lila she is known as Sri Gopala Bhatta Gosvami.
Manjulali manjari
In the northern part of Sri Sudevi’s kunja lies the beautiful Lilanandaprada Kunja, where the charming Sri Manjulali Manjari always resides. She is full of pleasant qualities and is very dear to Sri Rupa Manjari. Her dress is red like a jaba flower, and her complexion is like molten gold. She is also known as Sri Lila Manjari. Her nature is vama-madhya, and her age is 13 years, 6 months and 7 days. In gaura-lila she is known as Sri Lokanatha Gosvami.
Vilasa manjari
In the southeast part of Sri Visakha’s kunja lies the very beautiful Vilasanandada Kunja, where Sri Vilasa Manjari always remains as one of Sri Rupa Manjari’s sakhis. She has a bodily color like that of a golden ketaki flower, and her dress is the color of a bumblebee. Her nature is vama-mrdvi, and she is 4 days younger than Sri Rasa Manjari, making her age 12 years, 11 months and 26 days. In gaura-lila she is known as Sri Jiva Gosvami.
Kausturi manjari
In the southwest corner of Sri Rangadevi’s kunja lies one more kunja, which is known as Kausturyanandada Kunja, the residence of Sri Kausturi Manjari. She wears a dress that resembles crystal, and her complexion is like pure gold. Her age is 13 years, and her nature is vama-mrdvi. In Kali-yuga, in gauranga-lila, she is known as Sri Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami.