Very Intimate Friends


Subala has a fair complexion. He wears handsome blue garments and he is decorated wtih many kinds of jewels and flowers.

He is twelve-and-a-half years old and He glows with youthful luster. Although he is Krsna's friend, he is immersed in serving Krsna in many different ways.

He is expert at arranging the meeting of the divine couple. He is charming and full of transcendental love for Them. He is cheerful and full of good qualities. He is very dear to Krsna.

Arjuna (not Pandava Arjuna)

Arjuna's glistening complexion is the color of a red lotus flower. His garments are the color of moonlight and He is decorated with many kinds of jewels.

His father is Sudaksina, his mother Bhadra-devi, and his elder brother Vasudama. He is always plunged in transcendental love for the divine couple.

He is fourteen-and-a half and full of the luster of youth. He wears a garland of forest flowers and many other kinds of flower-ornaments.


Handsome Gandharva has a complexion the color of moonlight. He wears red garments and many different ornaments. He is twelve years old and full of youthful luster. He is decorated with many kinds of flowers.

His mother is the saintly Mitra-devi and his father the great soul Vinoka. He is very playful and very dear to Sri Krsna.


Vasanta has a splendid fair complexion. His garments glitter like the moon and he is decorated with various jewels.

He is eleven years old. He is decorated with many different flower garlands. His mother is the saintly Saradi-devi and his father is the great soul Pingala.


Ujjvala has a splendid reddish complexion. His garments are decorated with star patterns and he is decorated with pearls and flowers.

His father is named Sagara and his mother is the chaste Veni-devi. He is thirteen years old and full of youthfull luster.


Kokila is fair-complexioned and very handsome. He wears blue garments and is decorated with many kinds of jewels.

He is eleven years and four months of age. His father is named Puskara and his mother is the famous Medha-devi.


Handsome Sanandana has a fair complexion. He wears blue garments and is decorated with many different ornaments.

He is fourteen years old. He wears garlands of flowers. His father is Arunaksa and his mother is Mallika-devi.

Handsome Sanandana is very happy to have the friendship of Lord Krsna. He is like the splendid monarch of all transcendental mellows.


Vidagdha has a splendid complexion the color of a yellow campaka flower. He wears blue garments and a necklace of pearls.

He is fourteen years old and full of youthful luster. His father is named Matuka and his mother is Rocana-devi.

His elder brother is Sudama and his sister is Susila-devi. He is very dear to Sri Krsna. He is full of transcendental love for the divine couple.